Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

Logo of the Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union
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Logo of the Archive of the Polish Composers’ Union

New Inventory of Archive Files of the Polish Composers’ Union available thanks to support from The Head Office of State Archives

Thanks to the support of The Head Office of State Archives within the framework of the competition for a public task ‘Wspieranie działań...


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CD box cover

Sound Chronicle of the 2020 ‘Warsaw Autumn’ Festival

Still with delay - because of financing troubles with finding funds in previous years - we present to you the next, 2020 edition of the ‘Sound...


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Book cover

A new book about Polish music written by Cindy Bylander published by the Academic Studies Press

We are very glad to present a new book about Polish music written by Cindy Bylander (the American musicologist of outstanding merit for Polish music,...


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Representative grafic

A new website:

We are happy to announce that the new website launched by the Polish Composers' Union in avaialble at It is devoted to Zgmunt...


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Filip, Wiktoria, Iza and Kuba. Pola Negri square in Warsaw

Merry Christmas

Warsaw looks beautiful by night in Christmas time. On 22 December we met to spend some time together, discuss our present projects and new ideas for...


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Laptop screen

We are closed on 23 i 30 December

On 23 and 30 grudnia 2022 the Library will be closed for visitors. We apologise for inconveniences. Please contact us by e-mail or by phone in case of...


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A letter from Pałac Zagłębia

Archive materials about Michał Spisak came back Pałac Zagłębia

We are extremely happy we had a chance to co-operate with Pałac Zagłębia in Dąbrowa Górnicza during preparations of an exhibition focused on...


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The conference poster

Our library at the conference of IAML Polish Branch

The IAML Polish Branch Conference (jointly the 15th Polish National Conference of Music Libraries: "The Music Library – an Idea Tuned to the Times"...


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Library logo

Special working hours on November 18th, 2022

Our working hours on November 18th, 2022: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. We are sorry for inconveniences. ...


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The library room

The Library is closed on October 31st and November 1st.

A remote work on October 31st and a holiday on November 1st. We apologise for any inconveniences. Please send your questions by e-mail:...


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Conference poster

51st Polish Composers' Union Musicological Conference ‘Music and Expression’ was held in Katowice

The 51st Polish Composers’ Union Musicological Conference ‘Music and Expression’ was held in Katowice between 13th and 15th of October 2022. The...


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Printscreen of the new website

New website of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union



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