Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Dead End and a nice visit – Krzysztof Meyer and Danuta Gwizdalanka

A photo: Krzysztof Meyer and Danuta Gwizdalanka in the Library of the Polish Composers Union

Krzysztof Meyer and Danuta Gwizdalanka in the Library of the Polish Composers’ Union

In the middle of October a new opera by Krzysztof Meyer will be staged in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera: Ślepy tor (Dead End) with a libretto by Antoni Libera, staging and direction by Marek Weiss. Łukasz Borowicz will conduct the TWON Orchestra. Three performances have been planned: on Oct. 14th (the prapremiere), and then on Oct. 15th and the 27th. Tickets are being sold quickly (we have checked it).

The rehearsals for the performances are in progress. We are happy to be situated very near, so between their duties two eminent guests visited our library: Danuta Gwizdalanka and Krzysztof Meyer, with their fantastic sense of humour and some books as gifts for our library.

It was a happy meeting, a good while of a rest among our daily work. We thank our guests very much. You are always welcome, and for the October spectacles we wish you great artistic experiences. (Iz.)

More about the Dead End at the TWON site.