Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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PCU Archive
Logo of the Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

Research Library of the Polish Composers Union is open to the public and offers music collections focused on Polish music composed after the World War II. Everybody interested is sincerely welcome.


For your own comfort please contact us in advance to make appointment and prepare your visit properly.

+ 48 785 270 000



HYBRID! - Introduction to the online catalogue of the ZKP Library - July 19 at 5 p.m.

Dear Friends, We already wrote about tomorrow’s meeting in the previous post. Here is an important addition: there will be (is readynow ) a link...


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a little poster

Już 19 lipca 2024 r. zapraszamy gorąco na kolejne wydarzenie w cyklu „Spotkania u kompozytorów”

W cyklu „Spotkania u kompozytorów”: KOCHA czy KOHA? SKĄD jest MUZYKA?19 lipca, piątek, godz. 17.Siedziba Związku Kompozytorów Polskich...


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Tadeusz Wielecki - a photo

Tadeusz birthday - tomorrow! Invitation to radio broadcasts

Important news: on July 5 at the Polish Radio 2 we will have a chance to listen to Tadeusz Wielecki: in a conversation within the series "About...


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New acquisitions

New gifts from The Chopin University Press in our Library

Our colletcions is growing - new gifts from The Chopin University Press

Nothing makes us, librarians and archivists, happier than a parcel from a publishing house. Recently, thanks to The Chopin University Press, we have...


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Sidła - a photo of the cover. In the background a score by Grażyna Bacewicz

Sidła. A play on the basis of a novel written by Grażyna Bacewicz

In 2018, the Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne publishing house in Cracow (the PWM Edition) published a crime fiction – a detective story entitled Sidła...


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Book cover - Odwrócony dom by Hanna Kulenty

Odwrócony dom (The Inverted House) - a novel by Hanna Kulenty

A very important book was recently given to us by a well-known promoter of Polish music, the former director of the Polish Music Center at the...


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To read

Regamey&Regamey Vol. 2 a CD cover

Read more about the Regamey&Regamey Vol. 2 project

Projekt wykroczył daleko poza wydanie pojedynczej płyty CD. Ze względów finansowych nie mogliśmy mogliśmy sobie pozwolić na wydanie bardziej...


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A cover of the November issue of the Polish journal entitled Bibliotekarz - The Librarian

The Library of the Polish Composers' Union on its way towards modernity

Between the 28th and 30th of November, 2022, in the Karol Lipiński Music Academy in Wrocław, the conference of Polish music librarians was...


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Cover of the 1956 Warsaw Autumn programme

From Polish music history... Polish contemporary music

Between the two world wars, most Polish composers were associated with the Association des Jeunes Musiciens Polonais, founded in 1926 in Paris. They...


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To listen

CD cover polmic 171

Listen to music composed by Two Regameys

Recorded at the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio in Warsaw on 27–29 June and 3–5 August 2023. Sound engineer, recording and...


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Printscreen from the YouTube

Two lectures from the 52. Musicological Conference of the PCU available on YT

We are glad to announce that two lectures given during the 52nd Musicological Conference of the Polish Composers’ Union have been made available on...


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CD box cover

Listen to the 2020 Warsaw Autumn Festival

We are glad to inform the audience that we continue started in 2021 project of online presentation of the ‘Warsaw Autumn Sound Chronicle’ with the...


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