Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

Logo of the Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union
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The Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union is run in co-operation with the National Institute of Music and Dance and co-financed from the means of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

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Building of online catalogue of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union is co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science – Support for scientific libraries” programme in 2022–2024. Project's title: “Making available online the catalogue of music collections of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union”.

Development of the digital library “Archiwum Cyfrowe POLMIC” (POLMIC Digital Archive) in the years 2021–2023 is co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the two-year task “Modernisation and update of web portals of the Library and Music Collection of the Polish Composers’ Union” under the “Social responsibility of science – Support for scientific libraries” programme.

In 2023–2025 the Library imprements a new project entitled “Conservation, digitalisation and making available online unique music resources of the Library of the Polish Composers’ Union” which is financed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Polish Republic as part of the 2nd “Social responsibility of science – Support for scientific libraries” government programme.

In 2023–2025 the Library carries out the project entitled „Józef Koffler – a composer from Lviv and Europe” which has been supported by the Minister of Education and Science of the Polish Republic as part of the 2nd “Social responsibility of science” – Popularisation of science” government programme.


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In 2023–2024 the Library carries out the project entitled „Konstanty Kazimierz Regamey – musician, patriot, victim of Stalinist terror” financed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Polish Republic as part of the 2nd “Science for the society” government programme.


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The new, digital inventory of the Polish Composers’ Union Files Archive was prepared and published online thanks to support of The Head Office of State Archives of the Polish Republic within the competition for a public task “Supporting the archive activity” in 2021 and 2022.

In 2024, thanks to the same programme of the State Archives of the Polish Republic, we implement the new project entitled “Development and conservation prevention of the files of Polish composers and musicologists in the Archives of the Polish Composers' Union”.

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The activities of the Library–Archive of the Polish Composers’ Union are supported by CAS – Centrum Archiwistyki Społecznej (Centre of Community Archives), among other things, by providing free of charge a constantly developed specialised portal designed for online publication of archival materials ( In 2024, CAS additionally supported us by donating a 2TB HDD drive and materials for preserving archival materials: wrappers, folders and boxes in accordance with the standards required by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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Digitalisation and making available online documents from the Archive of the Polish Composers’ Union on the website run by the Centrum Archiwistyki Społecznej have been co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland from the Cultural Promotion Fund – a national special purpose fund.

In 2024–2026, thanks to support from the "Digital Culture" 2024 programme, we are implementing the project “Making the archival materials of the Polish Composers' Union available online”.

Subsidised by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state purpose fund.

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In 2024, thanks to a grant received under the “Cultural Infrastructure” program, our Library is implementing the project “Purchase of equipment for the needs of the Scientific Library of the Polish Composers' Union.”

Subsidised by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Polish Republic from the Fund for Promotion of Culture – a state purpose fund.

Development of the project was possible thanks to the support received from the City of Warsaw for the implementation of the public task entitled “Improving standards of reader service in the library at the Old Town Square in Warsaw”.

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In 2024, the PCU Library received support from the Creativity Promotion Fund of the Society of Authors ZAiKS, which provided significant assistance for the implementation of the projects “Conservation, digitalisation and making available online unique music resources of the Library of the Polish Composers’ Union” and “Making available online the catalogue of music collections of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union”.

           Logo ZAiKS
The Society of Authors ZAiKS is Patron of the “Polish Musicological Yearbook”.