Tadeusz WieleckiAnamnesis As part of our 1st Winter, Virtual, Private, Home and Calm... Polish music festiwal of the Library of PCU, we wish to remind...
We invite you to read the updated version of the Polish Composers’ Union Archive Inventory. This is particularly important message, we believe, for...
We will not be holding a stationary Meet the composers event in January. Unfortunately, after the Christmas holidays it is now the rather difficult...
Though it is not common knowledge, there were two of them in music history, father and son. Both signed their works in the same way, as Konstanty...
Dear Friends, over the Christmas period we will be working according to the schedule below: 23.12.2024 – remote work, 10 a.m. – 5...
This year we will not give up (last year we had to cancel). It's not likely that there will be twelve dishes. Rather a little gingerbread. We also...
We invite you to read the scientific journal “Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny” (“Polish Musicological Yearbook”), which publishes its entire...
On November 29, 2024, at 6 p.m. (CE time), we invite you to the next event in the series “Meet the Composer”. A real bomb is being prepared,...
Thanks to support from the Ministry of Education and Science awarded under the “Social Responsibility of Science II” program, the ZKP...
Jutro, 29 października 2024 roku świat muzyczny pożegna Janusza Olejniczaka. Można się spodziewać, że liczni wielbiciele kunsztu tego...
This Friday, at 5 p.m., as part of 'Meet the Composer’ series, at the headquarters of the Polish Composers’ Union in Warsaw, there will be a...
Zbiegiem okoliczności właśnie na przełomie września i października odbyły się trzy konferencje o zasięgu co najmniej ogólnokrajowym, w...