Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Józef Koffler and music culture in Lviv in the 1st half of the 20th century


On December 13th, 2023, 5.30 p.m., a lecture entitled Józef Koffler and music culture in Lviv in the 1st half of the 20th century will be held in the premises of the Polish Composers' Union at the Warsaw Old Town Square, given by the acknowledged researcher Michał Piekarski, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests focus on history of Lviv University, history of Polish musicology and musical education, the musical culture of Lviv as well as cultural and scientific ties between Poles and Vienna. He is an author of two books: Muzyka we Lwowie. Od Mozarta do Majerskiego. Kompozytorzy, muzycy, instytucje (Wydawnictwo Akademickie Sedno, Warszawa 2018, pp. 354) and Przerwany kontrapunkt. Adolf Chybiński i początki polskiej muzykologii we Lwowie 1912–1944 (IHN PAN, Aspra-JR, Warszawa 2017, pp. 462).

More information:, +48 22 8877871, mobile: +48 785270000.

This event inaugurates the project entitled Józef Koffler - kompozytor lwowski i europejski (Józef Koffler - Lviv and European composer), which has received funding from the state budget allocated by the Minister of Education and Science of the Polish Republic within the framework of the Programme ‘Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki II’ (‘Social Responsibility of Science II’).

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