Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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The Library of the Polish Composers' Union on its way towards modernity

A cover of the November issue of the Polish journal entitled Bibliotekarz - The Librarian

‘Bibliotekarz’ [‘The Librarian’] - November 2023
Polish Librarians’ Association Press

Between the 28th and 30th of November, 2022, in the Karol Lipiński Music Academy in Wrocław, the conference of Polish music librarians was organised, entitled Biblioteka muzyczna - idea dostrojona do czasu” [Music Library - the idea which suits the times]. I had a real pleasure to give there a short presentation of our recent activities. I am now extremely happy since the full text of my paper was just published in the November issue of the proffessional „The Librarian” journal.

I am especially grateful to the SBP publishing for their permission to make the paper available here. I would like also to express my gratitude for fantastic co-operation to Elżbieta Stefańczyk, the editor-in-chief of „The Librarian”, Marzena Przybysz, the board of editors’ secretary and Beata Pudełko from the distribution department of the Wydawnictwo Naukowe i Edukacyjne SBP.

You are welcome to read here about our recent projects:

Izabela Zymer - Biblioteka Związku Kompozytorów Polskich na półmetku swojej drogi do nowoczesności. O projektach modernizacji infrastruktury i usług realizowanych w latach 2022-2023.

as well as to visit the site of the Polish Librarians’ Association Press:

Wydawnictwo Naukowe i Edukacyjne SBP.

Enjoy your reading and do not hesitate to contact us with your comments and queries.
