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Polish Musicological Yearbook – vol. 20 (2022) available online

Polish Musicological Yearbook bookcover

Twelve new papers delivered by musicologists from Poland and abroad have been made available online in open access on the homepage of the „Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny” / “Polish Musicological Yearbook” scientific title of the Musicological Section of the Polish Composers' Union. Two of them (by Annegret Fauser and Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska) were written in English, whereas the remaining ten are accompanied by English abstracts.

Here you can read the volume's list of contents. We wish you an interesting and inspiring lecture. More information about the title on

VOL. 20 (2022)
„Kobiety i muzyka” / “Women and Music”

Annegret Fauser
Dziedzictwo muzyczne, odmienność i migracje transnarodowe:
muzyczne żywoty Wandy Landowskiej

Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska
Nadia Boulanger i jej rola w muzyce polskiej w świetle pism Zygmunta Mycielskiego

Izabela Zymer
Zofia Lissa and Vladimir Ivannikov —
A Polish Musicologist and Soviet Composer Fighting Together for a New, Better Order

Anna Nowak
String Quartets by Hanna Kulenty.
The Memory of Genre and Modern Means of Expression

Iwona Świdnicka
“I don’t like it…”
That Is Social Issues in the Work Of Lidia Zielińska

Marta Dziewanowska-Pachowska
Through Play to Sound Sources —
A Contribution to Research of Lidia Zielińska’s Sound Installations

Barbara Literska
Inclinations, Reflections, Understatements in Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz’s Music.
A Sketch of a Female Composer from Zielona Gora

Joanna Schiller-Rydzewska
Erinnerung an Danzig —
Women in the Musical Culture of Danzig in the First Half of the 20th Century in the Polish Academy of Sciences Gdańsk Library Collection

Stefan Drajewski
Female ballet composers. A Reconnaissance

Aleksandra Kleinrok
19th-century Warsaw Salons —
“Institutions” of Culture or Sophisticated Chambers?

Tomasz Górny
Sara Levy and Her Music Collection. Keyboard Concertos by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach from the National Library of Poland

Edward Boniecki
Karol Szymanowski’s Little Solemn Litany