Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Our colletcions is growing - new gifts from The Chopin University Press

New gifts from The Chopin University Press in our Library

New acquisitions - still on the table, but soon they will get their final place in the inventory and on our shelves

Nothing makes us, librarians and archivists, happier than a parcel from a publishing house. Recently, thanks to The Chopin University Press, we have expanded our collection by fifteen CDs, ten copies of sheet music and two books. All items are the latest (released this year and last year, which could be recognized already when unpacking - by the smell of freshly glued, slippery paper).

Although books were a minority in terms of quantity, they dominated in terms of weight, thanks to the very extensive biography of Hoffman written by Krystyna Juszyńska. No wonder, because one work must contain two biographies that make up the history of this outstanding figure - a musician (pianist and composer) and an inventor. Although this is a newly published book and we have not had time to read it, we can recommend the biographies written by the Professor. Our collection also includes a monograph by Miłosz Magin written by the same author (we would also like to thank The Chopin University Press for teir gift).

Another book was devoted to the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Sound Engineering Department at the UMFC, which took place on April 6-7, 2024. At that time, the general meeting of graduates took place, accompanied by concerts and visits to the new, recently arranged and opened studios. These days were commemorated in the book, in the form of text and photos.

Among the sheet musicwe have a Pie Jesu collection of many compositions by various composers. The pieces are linked by by the title (Pie Jesu) and the cast of a male choir. The authors of the compositions are: Stanisław Moryto, Marian Borkowski, Sebastian Szymański, Marcin Tadeusz Łukaszewski, Łukasz Farcinkiewicz, Marek Raczyński, Julia Seeholzer and Michał Malec. In this way, works of different generations have been represented in this collection .

We have also got a number of works published individually. These are two pieces by Anna Ignatowicz-Glińska: Poza ciszą (for harpsichord) and Po trio (for soprano saxophone and harpsichord; released also on CD, performed by Alina Ratkowska and Paweł Gusnar. We have also received notes of Stanisław Moryto's songs: Canto (1990) and Koło (1986), which are given new life after years of oblivion, and Children's Mass (for children's or women's choir, solo voices and organ). Another gift is the sheet music of Michał Sławecki's work entitled Meine liebe Mutter. The composition was written on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the canonisation of St M. M. Kolbe to the words of the priest's last letter to his mother, hence the title in translation is: "My beloved Mother". In addition, there was a slightly different stylistically composition - 9th String Quartet by Aleksander Kościów, which only resembles a conventional piece of its name. The sheet music visible in the photo is a laconic but meaningful piece for clarinet by Zbigniew Bagiński, Solo V. And the last one mentioned (as in our inventory) was the piece Rapido by Edward Sielicki, whose energy should have ended an impressive concert.

Following the opinion of those who believe that music is not written about, but music is listened to, we will leave the albums in the form of a list, while encouraging you to listen to in our Library: - Paris Polonais (Palester, Kisielewski, Regamey)
- Marian Borkowski: Complete Works for Solo Piano (perf. Marcin T. Łukaszewski) - Aleksander Zarzycki: Pieśni
- Jan Ekier: Complete Piano Works (perf. Agnieszka Przemyk-Bryła) - Le Clavecin Moderne plus Saxophone vol.2
- Waiting For The Light (Chopin University Singers)
- Polish Songs Romances & Burlesques - Stanisław Moryto: Chamber Music
- Nahorny/Pańta: Portrety
- Departures (Jakowicz, Chrzęszczyk)
- Impressions pour violoncelle et piano
- Organ Improvisation in Historical Styles
- Wieniawski, Paderewski, Lutosławski, Krzysztof Jakowicz & Robert Morawski

You are welcome!