Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Professional visit of a group of librarians from the National Library

A photo - librarians sitting by the table

A meeting in the Library on 2 June, 2023; photo by Organisers

It was during the nice and inspiring meeting in the Museum of Warsaw Library which was held in March this year (and which was also mentioned on our website) when we invited other participants to visit our library as a continuation of that great idea of professional visits to different libraries in Warsaw (and maybe in the region?).

And yes! It was a success. We are extremely grateful to Marzena Przybysz from the National Library for having organised a group of librarians who came to see our centre on June the 2nd, 2023.

We believe the atmosphere was very good - for telling about our history, present projects and plans, for exchanging ideas. But two hours passed very quickly. And we dream now about more regular meetings, maybe professional workshops. There are a lot of subjects to be discussed together. (Iz.)