About Palester – Meet the Composers – Friday, 28 February 2025
Our first event in this year, as part of the ‘Meet the Composers’ cycle, will be devoted to Roman Palester (1907–1989), an emigree Polish composer who left his country in late 1940s and was then immediately sentenced by the communist regime to be forgotten as an artist and public person. His music was cancelled from concert programmes, his sheet music was withdrawn from the publisher’s catalogue, his name could no longer appear in popular publications. And this plan appeared to be successful. When he was dying, he was known only to a strict circle of specialists.
At present, however, after many decades of being underestimated, his name is becoming more and more high-profiled and well-known throughout the world. This is due to the consistent effort of a group of people who devoted to this aim their work and time.
We have invited to the meeting a few representatives of this brigade. Focus will be put on the last big project, a three-volume edition of his literary works, entitled Pisma, prepared by Lech Dzierżanowski, Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska, Iwona Lindstedt, Violetta Wejs-Milewska and Artur Zaguła, and published by the PWM Edition and University of Bialystok.
The event will be organised in traditional form, as a meeting without online broadcast. You are sincerely welcome to visit us:
Friday, February 28, 2025, 5 p.m.
The premises of the Polish Composers’ Union in Warsaw, 27 Rynek Starego Miasta.
The entrance is free.
More information, contact: 7852700000, zymer@polmic.pl.