The author’s album by Jerzy Kornowicz, published by the Polish Composers’ Union in collaboration with Polish Radio in 2019, was part of the project entitled “Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers” – the 2nd series. Thanks to the support obtained through the “Music Trace” programme, interesting “visit cards” of four figures were then created: Jan Krenz (still living then), Jerzy Maksymiuk, Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil and Jerzy Kornowicz. The albums were called “visit cards” because they were intended to show a cross-section of the whole creative output of chosen composers, who also participated in crucial desitions regarding the list of works to be published, particular performaces, authors of essays or interviews. They had also an influence on the form of the text in the booklet and the graphic design. This formula, by the way, was taken over from the project’s Series I, which was produced six years earlier.
In the booklet presented here we have intriguing material, rather rare as it is a conversation between two composers: Jerzy Kornowicz and Tadeusz Wielecki. We warmly invite you to read it.
The CD albums released by the Polish Composers’ Union were for promotional, educational and scientific purposes only. They were not sold. They were given free of charge to interested institutions and individuals, with the proviso that due to the very small number of copies produced and high general interest, priority was given to music libraries, where each copy can benefit a larger circle of people. Emjoy your reading here:
Jerzy Kornowicz
in the “Polish Music Today – Portraits of Contemporary Polish Composers” series
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