We invite you to read the updated version of the Polish Composers’ Union Archive Inventory. This is particularly important message, we believe, for those who would like to make use of our resources. We strongly recommend that you prepare your visit, or even your correspondence, using this material (even though it is in Polish only):
Inwentarz Archiwum Akt Związku Kompozytorów Polskich – aktualizacja: December 2024.
We also recommend our profile on the portal
Zbioryspołeczne.pl run by the Centre of Community Archives, where the same material is available in the form of a database, enriched with indexes and allowing searches using personal, subject and geographical headwords.
And we boast, and we express our gratitude. All this is thanks to the support of the The Polish State Archives Head Office.
The development and publication of the electronic inventory of the Archive of the Records of the Polish Composers’ Union was made possible thanks to the support of the The Polish State Archives Head Office in the framework of the competition for the implementation of the public task entiitled “Supporting archival activities” in 2021 and 2022. In 2024, we were happy to run the next project with the support from the same programme. The final result is the new Inventory we present here.

We would also like to thank the Centre of Community Archives for its constant and very warm support. Not only are we users of the Open Archiving System and the the Community Collections Zbioryspoleczne.pl portal. We have also participated in free training courses organised by the CAS and received valuable materials to help us safeguard our collections. In the relationship between our centre and the CAS, we also feel moral support for our work, for which we are extremely grateful.
Our sincere thanks go to all the entities and individuals who value our work.
And last, but not least, I wish to thank Ola Dunin, Filip Wróblewski and Jakub Tomczak for their fantastic, hard and persistent work.