Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Extremes, or the 1st Winter, Virtual, Private, Home and Calm... Polish music festiwal of the Library of PCU

Jerzy Kornowicz and Michał Mendyk - a photo

Jerzy Kornowicz and Michał Mendyk
during the ‘Meet the composers’ evening, November 2024
photo: Maciej Borowski

We will not be holding a stationary Meet the composers event in January. Unfortunately, after the Christmas holidays it is now the rather difficult period of time for reports and tidying up. We would like to invite you in February - in the second half of the month. Details will be announced soon.

However, we would like to propose a series of meetings with Polish music and our composers in a different form. Namely, we have prepared a selection of interesting recordings of works by contemporary Polish composers, which will be successively published in open access in our LISTEN tab. We invite you to go there now. The first composition are

Extremes for chamber ensemble by Jerzy Kornowicz - a piece from 2016 in a great performance by the Neo Temporis Group under the direction of Łukasz Wódecki.

Our ‘1st Winter, Private, Calm, Home, Virtual festival of Polish Music of the Polish Composers’ Union Library‘ is organised as part of the project ‘Preservation, digitisation and online accessibility of the unique music collections of the Scientific Library of the Polish Composers’ Union, co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and from the funds of the Creativity Promotion Fund of the Society of Authors ZAiKS. We would like to thank our patrons.

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