Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Meet the composer: Alicja Gronau and Anna Ignatowicz-Glińska – 18.10.2024

an event poster

On the basis of the photo by Alicja Gronau (released on FB), 13.07.2024.

This Friday, at 5 p.m., as part of 'Meet the Composer’ series, at the headquarters of the Polish Composers’ Union in Warsaw, there will be a chance to meet, listen and talk to two composers:

Alicja Gronau and Anna Ignatowicz-Glińska.

It so happens that both women compose and also lecture at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. It will be an opportunity to listen to two interesting personalities who combine creative, theoretical and pedagogical experiences.

They entitled their evening

‘Borderlands - opportunities or difficulties?’

We will hear how they develop the topic. There will be lectures and discussions. The composers also promised to present examples of their music.

We invite everyone interested. Both those experienced, connoisseurs (maybe they are curious to know what the composers will say ‘this time’), and those who just, perhaps timidly, want to start their adventure with music. Or maybe someone will come just to meet old or new friends, or even just to have a nice time.

Admission is free.

October 18th, 2024, 5 p.m. (Central Europe / Warsaw time)

Polish Composers' Union
Old Town Square 27
00-272 Warszawa

tel. +48 785270000

For those who cannot come, here is the link to the meeting online: .com/gtn-zgpy-pqj.