Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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The Library of the Polish Composers’ Union sadly says goodbye to Mr. Władysław Słowiński (1930-2024)

Władysław Słowiński - photo by Marta Karska

Władysław Słowiński
photo by Marta Karska

Preparations for Zbigniew Bagiński's funeral were nearing completion when the news of Władysław Słowiński's death quickly spread. Once again, after a few days, the Polish Composers' Union was painfully orphaned. A figure who gave a lot of himself to the Association has passed away.

He was a generation older and had been in the ZKP longer, but he held similar positions - primarily the General Secretary and the President of the Warsaw Branch. He created the "Warsaw Musical Meetings" festival, which has already become deeply embedded in the cultural life of the capital.

He's been lately less frequently present at the Old Town Square, in our premises. But he was. Now the ZKP Library says goodbye to him with great sadness.

Władysław Słowiński died on September 5th, 2924. The funeral will be held on September 11th.(Iz.)