Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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HYBRID! - Introduction to the online catalogue of the ZKP Library - July 19 at 5 p.m.


Dear Friends,

We already wrote about tomorrow’s meeting in the previous post. Here is an important addition: there will be (is readynow ) a link to the online meeting:

Friday, July 19, 5 p.m.
Time zone: Europe/Warsaw

For even more advanced users

(Optional) Join by phone: (PL) +48 22 163 88 25, PIN: 278 938 194#
Additional telephone numbers:

We don’t call it streaming because the real atreaming requires much more resources and experience. This is just the link to the meeting. We will try to make the presentation of our catalogue clearly visible (not everyone knows well enough the KOHA system - it has its own specificity that is worth being introduced and gaining experience).

We really count on the presence of librarians. Maybe someone is on afternoon duty at a library that is still operating despite the hot July weather. Maybe someone will want to rest while looking at a musical part - Jarek Siwiński and Małgosia Kołcz are interesting, multidimensional creators - composers, instrumentalists, educators, popularisers. Małgosia even confessed that she is the "unknown" author of the libretto for the childrens micro-opera "The Silent Fish" and the lyrics to Jarek’s other works. And who among us knows Jarek’s film animations? At the same time, they know well how to talk about new music, making it extremely inspiring. You will see and feel that Polish music after Szymanowski is a huge, interesting cosmos. Please, come, we invite you. Online or stationary, who can: for coffee, tea, cookies and fruit. Nice atmosphere guaranteed. We want to build a place where you can find respite. (Is.)

A SUMMARY - everybody is WELCOME!!

Polish Composers' Union
Old Town Square, 27
July 19, at p.m. (Polish time)
link to online meetings:

The patron is the Association of Authors ZAiKS.

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The event's partner is the Polish Society for Contemporary Music.

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Building of online catalogue of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union is co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science – Support for scientific libraries” programme in 2022–2024. Project's title: “Making available online the catalogue of music collections of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union”.

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