Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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Wielecki, Suprynowicz and the New POLMIC - with streaming on Google Meet

CDs with music by T. Wielecki released by ZKP

CDs with music by Tadeusz Wielecki published by ZKP.
A photo concept and realisation: Ola Dunin.

Important news for those who are really far from Warsaw, to the Old Town Square. For those who really cannot come in person (unfortunately, apart from the distance, random and unwanted things happen), we try to organise a simple streaming using one camera on the Google Meet platform. Here is the link and data:

Friday, June 21 · 17:00–18:30
Time zone: Europe/Warsaw
Information for participants in a Google Meet call
Video call link:
(Optional) Join by phone: (PL) +48 22 163 92 30, PIN: 901 112 018#

Visibility and hearing will necessarily be limited. We are really sorry for that.

The photo shows CDs with Tadeusz's music published by ZKP. Photo concept and realisation: Ola Dunin. Unfortunately, most of these CDs are out of stock. But as a reward for outstanding, creative activity at the meeting, we will try to snatch a copy from the reserve. And bonus! - in the form of a beautiful summer view of the Market Square from our windows.

More information, including a tip on how to find us, for those who will visit us for the first time:,, tel. 785270000.

It's tomorrow. You are welcome!