Research Library of the Polish Composers' Union

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The beginning of Summer in the Library - Wielecki, Suprynowicz, Kontrabas and The NewPOLMIC

a poster

It's not like nothing happened in spring. On the contrary: there was so much going on that there was no time to write. We have neglected the website and FB, we will have to slowly and gradually make up for it.

There is no chance for a retrospective (no time :-)), we have to move forward, so we announce that we invite you!
We invite everyone interested: We will meet, see, listen live: During the meeting, we will present the renovated website and a photo gallery of Andrzej Markowski celebrating his 100th birthday.

The patron of the project is the ZAiKS Authors' Association.
logo ZAiKS
The event is part of the "Composers Invite" series, which we would like to organize more regularly from now on.

Co-financed from the state budget under the program "Science for Society". Title of the task: "Polish music is the most beautiful - documentation of Polish musical culture on the website”

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program logo

Admission is free.

More information:, tel. 785270000