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Posłuchaj Warszawskiej Jesieni 2020

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Kronika Dźwiękowa „Warszawskiej Jesieni” 2020; projekt graficzny: Adam Dudek

„Kronika Warszawskiej Jesieni w sieci” to rozpoczęty w roku 2021 projekt prezentacji wybranych utworów festiwalowych w Internecie, dzięki czemu mogą tu Państwo posłuchać wybranych utworów „Warszawskiej Jesieni” 2020. Projekt został dofinansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego, w ramach programu „Muzyczny ślad”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.
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Zachęcamy do odwiedzenia strony Festiwalu, gdzie są publikowane biogramy kompozytorów i noty programowe do utworów.

ElettroVoce (Agata Zubel & Cezary Duchnowski)
Whims for semantoabsorbing phonotyser (2020)
for voice, electronics and piano and orchestra
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
ElettroVoce: Agata Zubel soprano Cezary Duchnowski electronics, piano
Barbara Okoń-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
Recorded live on September 18th, 2020 at the Warsaw Philharmonic, Concert Hall by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz and Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, Polish Radio
Partner of the concert: Society of Authors ZAiKS

Aleksandra Kaca
rilievo (2020)
for orchestra and electronics
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Monika Wolinska conductor
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
Recorded live on September 18th, 2020 at the Warsaw Philharmonic, Concert Hall by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz and Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, Polish Radio
Partner of the concert: Society of Authors ZAiKS

ElettroVoce (Agata Zubel & Cezary Duchnowski)
Whims for desemantric verbaphone (2020)
for voice, electronics and piano
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
ElettroVoce: Agata Zubel soprano
Cezary Duchnowski electronics, piano
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Aleksandra Koniuch, Piotr Papier sound projection
Recorded live on September 18th, 2020 at the Warsaw Philharmonic, Concert Hall by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz and Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, Polish Radio
Partner of the concert: Society of Authors ZAiKS

Anna Sowa
Message for the Year of the Metal Rat II (2020)
for two violins, accordion, piano, percussion and electronics
First performance
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
Feminine Forms
Recorded live on September 23rd, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Martyna Kosecka
Isorropía. In Search of Balance (2020)
for amplified quintet and electroacoustic layer
First performance
Spółdzielnia Muzyczna Society commission
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
Feminine Forms Recorded live on September 23rd, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Monika Szpyrka
Zoom in/dolly out (2020)
for ensemble and electronics
First performance
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
Feminine Forms
Recorded live on September 23rd, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Paweł Hendrich
Prismiris (2018)
for string trio
Christian Danowicz violin
Michał Micker viola
Marcin Misiak cello
Recorded live on September 22nd, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Julita Emanuiłow and Joanna Popowicz, Polish Radio
Concert cofinanced from the Creativity Promotion Fund of Society of Authors ZAiKS
Co-organiser: The National Forum of Music (NFM)

Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil
The Nightingale and the Stone (2020)
for two pianos and two percussion
from the cycle Reportages
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Emilia Sitarz piano
Bartłomiej Wasik piano
Magdalena Kordylasinska-Pękala percussion
Piotr Maślanka percussion
Kamil Kęska sound projection
Recorded live on September 20th, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Teoniki Rożynek
Float (2020)
for instrumental ensemble
First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Rüdiger Bohn conductor
Recorded live on September 23rd, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz and Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, Polish Radio
Partner of the concert: Society of Authors ZAiKS

Przemysław Scheller
The Little Match Girl (2019)
for string orchestra
Christian Danowicz conductor
Recorded live on September 22nd, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Julita Emanuiłow and Joanna Popowicz, Polish Radio
Concert cofinanced from the Creativity Promotion Fund of Society of Authors ZAiKS
Co-organiser: The National Forum of Music (NFM)

Tomasz Skweres
Concertino (2018)
for string orchestra
Christian Danowicz conductor
Musica Polonica Nova at Warsaw Autumn: A special Presence
Recorded live on September 22nd, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Julita Emanuiłow and Joanna Popowicz, Polish Radio
Concert cofinanced from the Creativity Promotion Fund of Society of Authors ZAiKS
Co-organiser: The National Forum of Music (NFM)

Joanna Woźny
canti in/versi (2020)
for choir and electronics
First performance
Warsaw Autumn and Warsaw Philharmonic commission
Bartosz Michałowski conductor
Barbara Okon-Makowska, Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz, Aleksandra Koniuch, Michał Bereza sound projection
Recorded live on September 26th, 2020 at the Warsaw Philharmonic, Concert Hall by Andrzej Sasin and Aleksandra Nagórko, CD Accord

Żaneta Rydzewska
don’t look (2020)
for two violins, accordion, piano, percussion and electronics
First performance
Composed thanks to the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Barbara Mglej violin
Paulina Wos-Gucik violin
Martyna Zakrzewska piano
Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Alena Budzináková-Palus accordion, electronics
Stanisław Zarychta video
Przemysław Kunda sound projection
Feminine Forms
Recorded live on September 23rd, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Rafał Zapała
Futility (2020)
for five instruments, electronics and video First performance
Warsaw Autumn commission with the support by Society of Authors ZAiKS
Anne Gillot recorder
Benoît Morel viola
Aurélien Ferrette cello
Tomás Fernández double bass
Mauricio Carrasco guitar
Daniel Zea electronics
Arturo Corrales ensemble coordinator
Marek Straszak visual layer
Szymon Kaliski interactive system
Recorded live on September 21st, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz and Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, Polish Radio
Partner of the concert: Society of Authors ZAiKS

Ewa Trębacz
concerto for violin, string orchestra and surround sound
First performance
National Forum of Music commission
Cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the Composing Commissions programme, implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance
Adam Bałdych violin
Christian Danowicz conductor
Paweł Hendrich electronics (live)
Ewa Trębacz, electronics (fixed-media)
In the electronic layer: Josiah Boothby – French horn, Ewa Trębacz – violin
Recorded live on September 22nd, 2020 at the Witold Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw by Julita Emanuiłow and Joanna Popowicz, Polish Radio
Concert cofinanced from the Creativity Promotion Fund of Society of Authors ZAiKS
Co-organiser: The National Forum of Music (NFM)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Kuba Krzewiński
Contre no. 2 (2019)
for piano and gran cassa
Lutosławski Piano Duo:
Emilia Sitarz & Bartłomiej Wasik
Recorded live on September 20th, 2020 at the ATM Studio in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

wydarzenie towarzyszące festiwalowi „Warszawska Jesień”

Aleksandra Gołaj percussion
Rafał Łuc accordion
Rafał Zalech electric viola
Jacek Sotomski (guest) computer

Recorded live on September 20th, 2020 at the SPATiF Club in Warsaw by Jacek Guzowski and Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz, Musicon

Piotr Bednarczyk

Alina Dzięcioł

Celeste Oram
Xerox Rock

Krzysztof Ratajski